Pro-Life Speaking

Every baby, no matter the circumstances, was created on purpose and for a purpose! Sara puts a face to the exception to the rule and uses her story to change hearts and minds.

 “I’m pro-life, except in the case of rape.”

Have you ever heard someone make this statement? Perhaps you’ve said this before yourself. This exception to the rule is common, even among Pro-Life supporters and Believers.

Conceived in rape, Sara puts a face to this exception. When telling her story, Sara often says, “I shouldn’t be here.” She is keenly aware of how true this statement is and does not take this truth lightly. She received her forever family when her birthmother chose to parent through adoption, and her parents said “yes” to her long before they met her.

Sara speaks at pro-life events such as Fundraising Banquets, Prayer Breakfasts, and more. When you book her for your event, she truly sees it as partnering with your ministry by not only speaking at the event, but also by praying for your ministry, encouraging staff and volunteers, speaking with donors at a pre or post event, and offering simple training in event hosting & fundraising.